Thursday, May 12, 2011

What Happened Last Night?

Dear Blog,
Photo Credit from Google Images (Anonymous)
I should have never said anything about deleting you. I lost your trust and you bailed. I logged on to take another look at you last night, and you weren't there:( WTF?  I know Blogger said that it was down for maintenance, but I was able to see my account right in front of me and you weren't on it. What made it worse, is my other blog did the same. So, for about an hour last night, I was completely alone, staring at a big, empty blogger account. 
Who was I going to talk to? What about all I had shared with you? Was it going to be like it never existed? I started going through 'should have's' like 'I should have saved the important things', and 'I should have spent more time with it'. And then, you were back. Just like that. 
I'm not going to ask questions. I don't care what happened. I'm just so happy you weren't gone forever. I feel like this is my second chance to really do good by you. You've always been good to me. With you, I can be whoever I want to be. Whenever you talk about me, you describe me as a better person than I feel I really am . You fulfill my narcism indirectly and make my day more interesting. I don't care if I have no readers at all, I will never doubt how important you are to me.
Thank you for being you, and please don't ever leave me again.


Anonymous said...

I like this ..... you are such a good writer!
Keep doing it - I promise I'll keep on checking it out.....!

Love you, Mom

Dana Yager said...

Thanks, Mom! It's nice knowing I'm not typing in to a black hole (got that one from my fellow writer-friend, Cherie:)